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Why Change Matters

The only constant is change.

Happy Monday, World!

I'll be brief today but with an important message.

Sitting in yet another airport lounge (Ms. K's favorite location in the world) on my way back home to DC, I've taken some time to reflect on these last few weeks that I've been fortunate to spend in Europe, predominantly in Budapest, with a short getaway to Copenhagen. Then, leaning into my awareness, I started pondering the following questions:

What feels different about this visit back home?
Why was I feeling so out of sync at times?
Why are my old friendships no longer what they used to be?

After close reflection -it has nothing to do with anyone; I have changed. When I moved back home last year, I set out a purpose to work in higher ed, make a difference in the lives of the youth, and start doing the deep work that was so needed in my life. To read, sit in silence, and just be and focus on elevating the consciousness of the world one person at a time.

It's been a very long year, filled with incredible challenges, yet the real growth I needed. This past year, I massively grew my confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem and left behind all the things that were holding me back. This has led me to true inner peace that I can't explain – yet everyone can sense around me. For all those years when I listened to Simon Sinek talk about the importance of finding your "why," I finally get it.

These last few weeks got me thinking that happiness comes when you find your purpose, and living out my purpose is exactly what I am doing now. Working in the mental health space, I am surrounding myself with savvy businesspeople who I admire and respect. I wake up every single day and ask: "What's the challenge we will tackle today? and I say that with confidence as I know, it will be done.

Another big question has popped up that pertains to this notion of home. I have always said that it is Budapest, but now I say it is where my purpose is – and that currently is DC, YET, it could be anywhere as long as it is a place where I feel that I am doing something great for others and no longer thinking of what's best for me. Home is a feeling. Not a place.

For the first few weeks, I thought the people around me had changed, but that's not true. It's me. My goals, values, and purpose are different now, and it is the most normal thing in the world that when you change – not everyone is going to change or grow with you - and that's more than OK.

As I leave, knowing that one day I will return, I am eternally grateful for the medical help I received here, for being able to connect with at least some of my old friends and to call such a beautiful city like #Budapest, where I grew up home. Additionally, I am beyond grateful to be a citizen of the world and to embrace so many life experiences. Four countries in 30 days - not bad, huh?

I am excited to go home, go back to reality, get back to business, and be a little closer to my mom, who I hold so near and dear.

It's important to know that when you grow and evolve, you change - and don't be afraid of change! That's where the actual growth happens.

What is one thing that scares you but you know it can lead to deeply profound change within you?


Coach Ms.K

1 comment

1 Comment

Jun 05, 2023

I am glad you are at peace with yourself.


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