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"Understanding the Differences: Is Coaching or Therapy the Right Choice for You?"


Happy Tuesday, World!

Today, we're discussing a hot topic: the age-old question of what's best for individuals: coaching or therapy. As I reflected, it became clear that one of the most common queries is the need for these distinct approaches, as I am constantly asked: "What's best for me at this stage of my development? Do I need coaching or therapy?" Coaching typically focuses on goal setting, skill-building, and future-oriented action, while therapy delves into deeper emotional exploration, healing, and addressing mental health concerns. (Note: I see a coach now, but in the past, I have gone to both and benefited from both in entirely different ways)!

So, what is coaching?

According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), "the powerful difference between a regular coaching conversation is that a coaching conversation has an outcome. The coach partners with his/her/their clients to establish a meaningful outcome for each session that helps them make progress towards their overarching goal for the coaching engagement."

This captivating image encapsulates the dynamic essence of coaching and the reflective nature of therapy. Vibrant colors and energetic figures convey the goal-oriented drive of coaching, while moments of introspection and vulnerability hint at therapy's supportive, self-reflective aspects.


To break this down to the simplest form, a coach "partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential." The main distinction between coaching and psychotherapy is based on focus, purpose, and population. (ICF)

Let's break this down:


  • Coaching: Visioning, success, the present, solutions, and moving into the future.

  • Therapy: This involves psychopathology, emotions, problems, and exploring the past to understand the present. Its focus is on figuring out the "why."


  • Coaching: Performance improvement, learning, or development of an area in life. The coach helps the client focus on the "how."

  • Therapy: Often delves into deep-seated emotional issues to work on personal healing or trauma recovery. Therapists help clients fix problems, develop skills for managing emotions or past issues, overcome issues, and sometimes help manage mental illness.


  • Coaching: Well-functioning adults (Functional to optimal)

  • Therapy: Some level of dysfunction can be identified. (Dysfunctional to functional)


How do I decide between coaching or therapy?

When do we turn to life coaching, and when do we seek solace in therapy? As someone deeply immersed in the currents of personal growth, I will share what I have noticed while working with individuals over the last decade. 

Let me begin with a gentle observation. When seeking professional support, it's not uncommon to feel adrift, unsure of which path to tread. Recent studies suggest that around 50% of those seeking guidance find themselves at a crossroads, pondering whether they require the nurturing embrace of therapy or the forward momentum of life coaching.

The Path of Life Coaching: Picture this—a yearning for growth, a thirst for clarity, a desire to move boldly towards your dreams. Enter life coaching, a beacon of empowerment in the vast sea of self-discovery. Statistics reveal that 70% of those drawn to life coaching yearn to shape their careers, set intentions, and sculpt their narratives. It's a journey of action, accountability, and amplifying the radiant glow of your inherent strengths. If this resonates with your spirit and you feel the call to step into your power and embrace your potential, life coaching may be your guiding star. Don't forget that there are endless realms for coaching where you can focus on career goals, transformations, personal development, mindset, relationship coaching, and more!

The Sanctuary of Therapy: Now, let us shift our gaze to a different vista—a realm shrouded in tender compassion, where healing and understanding take root. Therapy is a sacred space where the heart's whispers are met with deep reverence. Studies affirm that a staggering 85% of therapy seekers are navigating the labyrinth of mental health concerns, seeking solace, and need support working through painful memories and overwhelming emotions from their past that prevent them from moving forward.

It's an odyssey of self-compassion, unraveling past traumas’ knots and tenderly nurturing the seeds of resilience within. If you find yourself yearning for emotional healing, for the embrace of compassionate understanding, therapy may offer the sanctuary your soul seeks. Here, the modalities are endless, with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Theory, insight-oriented, Interpersonal Therapies, and trauma treatments such as Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing Therapy, just to name a few.

We have to remember the nuances of our human experience. What of those who journey into coaching seeking clarity in their careers, only to find themselves wrestling with the shadows of anxiety along the way? Or those who seek the healing balm of therapy but also yearn for guidance in shaping their future aspirations? It's about embracing the interconnectedness of our desires and allowing the wisdom of our hearts to chart our course.


Final Thought:

Whether you find yourself drawn to therapy or coaching, trust in your intuition. If a coach discerns that you're navigating through more profound layers of struggle, they'll likely guide you towards the therapeutic path with compassion and understanding. Ultimately, only you hold the key to your journey. Listen to the whispers of your heart, honor your needs, and embrace the guidance that resonates most deeply with your soul. Your path to healing and growth is uniquely yours to navigate.

And always remember: There is only one you & that is your magic!


Coach Ms. K



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