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The 3 Keys to Success: Faith, Action, and Confidence (with a side of Pain, Uncertainty, and Constant Work)


Let’s cut to the chase—we all want to crush it at life, right? Whether it’s nailing your dream job, becoming a zen master of your mind, or just figuring out how to adult without needing a nap afterward (seriously, naps are underrated). The truth is that success isn’t just about waking up and showing up. It’s about how you show up. And to do that, you need three key ingredients: faith, action, and confidence—plus a little sprinkle of acceptance that pain, uncertainty, and hard work are here to stay (I know, real party starters).

Faith: Your Built-In GPS for Life

Faith is like having an internal GPS when you have no idea where you're going. It’s trusting that, even if the route recalculates 50 times and you feel lost in the middle of “what the heck am I doing with my life,” the destination is out there. Faith isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about knowing that the answers will show up, probably right after you’ve had a meltdown or eaten an entire pizza. Faith is that voice inside you that whispers, “You’ve got this,” even when everything around you looks like a hot mess.

Action: Because Sitting on the Couch Won’t Build Your Empire

But here’s the kicker—faith alone doesn’t get you off the couch. You’ve got to move. Action is like the secret sauce that brings your faith to life. You don’t have to run a marathon (unless that’s your thing); even small steps count. Tiny, imperfect, messy action creates momentum. And sometimes, it’s about doing the thing before you feel ready—because, spoiler alert, no one ever feels 100% ready. Trust me, whenever I hit ‘send’ on a risky email or jump into a new project, my inner voice still screams, “Abort mission!” But hey, that’s how growth happens.

Confidence: Fake it ’Til You Feel It

And then there’s confidence. Fun fact: confidence is not something you wait to feel. You don’t sit around and say, “I’ll feel confident once I’ve achieved X, Y, and Z.” Nope. Confidence shows up after you take action, not before. The more you do the scary things, the more you start to believe, “Hey, maybe I do have my sh*t together (kinda).” Confidence is like that cool friend who shows up after you’ve already survived the awkward moments—it grows as you keep showing up, no matter how many times you trip over your own feet.

Now, Here’s the Real Tea: Crushing Life Means Embracing the Mess

If you really want to live your best life—and I’m talking about the kind where you look back and say, “Darn, I did that!”—you’ve got to make friends with three things: pain, uncertainty, and constant work.

Sounds like a blast, right? But here’s the thing. Happiness isn’t the absence of these things. It’s learning to embrace them, kind of like you embrace that weird uncle at family gatherings.

  • Pain? It’s inevitable. Whether it’s growing pains, heartbreak, or stubbing your toe (seriously, how do we always find the one corner of the bed to smack into?), pain teaches us more than any success ever could.

  • Uncertainty? Welcome to life, my friend. The only thing certain about life is that it’s uncertain. Embrace it. Stop waiting for “perfect timing” because, spoiler alert—there’s no such thing.

  • Constant work? Look, it’s not about hustling yourself into the ground. It’s about showing up daily, doing the thing, and recognizing that even when it’s hard, you’re laying the foundation for your future self to say, “Thanks for doing the hard stuff.”

The Real Key to Happiness: It’s an Inside Job

So, here’s the deal—faith, action, and confidence are your foundation for success. But if you truly want to live a happy life, you’ve got to learn to dance with the discomfort of pain, uncertainty, and constant work. Because happiness isn’t about life being easy. It’s about knowing you can handle the tough stuff when it shows up (because it will, just like your neighbor’s WiFi name—“The Struggle is Real”).

A final thought with an open invitation:

And if you’re sitting there thinking, “Okay, cool, but I could use a little help with this whole faith-action-confidence thing,” well, you’re not alone.

If you’re ready to shuffle up the energy in your life and want someone who’s been through the trenches to guide you—drop me a line. No pressure, no sales pitch, just real talk. Let’s chat about how you can start living the life you’re meant for.


Coach Ms.K



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