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Joy is YOU. Here's why.

Happy Friday Everyone!

Sometimes, it is hard to find joy, and to be happy, especially in today's climate. AND I totally get it.

Unfortunately, mass shootings are becoming the new normal in the U.S., the war in Ukraine has become a devastating reality, and the recession is probably unavoidable. All true, but we can aim to control the controllable and don't let the rest take over our entire human existence. (This could be my approach and doesn't have to be yours, but I love operating in this New Way.) #thenewway (If you have been following me or reading closely, you will know that it took me a ton of personal development work and growth to get here, but it is SO worth it.) Joy can be simple though. I am grateful for a sunset, for a sunrise, and for being alive and healthy and for another day under the sun.

Protip: I make it a habit to check the news once daily, and I am very cautious of which platforms I get the updates from, too. #LinkedIn, #NYT, and #Medium are my favorites, even though they are not your traditional news sources besides the #NYT.

On a positive note, because Ms.K aims to be happy most of the time, and I have 3 sincere hopes, that I wanted to share with you today, my beautiful reader.

1.) I hope you stop living a half-life, barely getting by, barely surviving, barely finding joy in anything. I say this because this was the old me, too. Great on paper, but an absolute inner turmoil. Today, I am a different person and find gratitude in the simplest things in life, such as a sunset, a sunrise, or just another day when I am here on this planet and alive. It is true that this was not the old me who would constantly chase the KPIs and let those be my driving force. (Part of the game when you run your own #business.) Of course, they still matter today, especially working in #higherEd and at a world-class business school, but my internal KPIs get much more focus than the company ones.

2.) I hope you stop believing that you don't deserve more or can't have more. I hope you stop settling because, growing up, that's what you were taught. You were taught that settling is better than dreaming and failing. I hope you find the courage to change the old limiting beliefs that kept you stuck in your comfort zone or your distress. I hope you stop living a life that doesn't fulfill you in every way because you're afraid of change or failure. I hope you never let your fears stop you from trying for something you desire. I hope you stop falling in love with half-hearted people or people who don't give you their all. I hope you stop biting your tongue or lowering your standards to make a relationship work. I hope you stop giving to people who give you doses. I hope you stop believing that half is all you deserve because you think it's better than nothing. I hope you stop suppressing who you really are or silencing your voice because you're afraid of people abandoning you. I hope you realize that love should feel safe and allow you to be who you are without apologizing.

3.) I hope you learn how to say no to the people who don't value you. I hope you learn how to prioritize yourself when you have to. I hope you stop diminishing yourself so that others can shine, and I hope you stop thinking that you should be the one compromising or bending. I hope you stop pretending you're ok with something if you're not, and I hope you can stand up for yourself when no one else is willing to stand up for you!

Lastly, I hope you learn that half anything will NOT make you whole. Half an idea, half a relationship, half a career, half a life because you're not half a person and you were born to live a whole life, and if your experiences have shaped you to believe that living a half-life is ok, it's never too late to change that. It's never too late to realize that you have been living half the truth, and it's time to change to find your whole truth.

Final Thought

Remember, NOW IS ALL THERE EVER IS, and with determination to change, your world will change, too! I am living proof of all of this, and you can learn from my life and make a radical difference today by placing yourself first and loving yourself just as you are. I mean this with my whole heart and with confidence say: #thereisonlyoneyouandthatisyourmagic




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