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How I feel about change Momentarily

A bit more philosophical today, but I like to spice things up.

Happy Beautiful April Sunday, World!

I recently finished reading The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, and the book, in many ways, was fascinating. This past year, I have taken a 'big leap' to transform my life for the better, and here are my three lessons I have learned about change.

1. Before a giant leap forward, there is often a substantially tough moment we must get through. The challenge is sometimes within us in the form of old conditioning that suddenly arises with serious past pain. Other times the challenge is external, one of the unavoidable down moments that organically happens throughout life. Because we are embracing our growth, this is no ordinary down moment; instead of trying to ignore it and push it aside, we face the storm head-on. You know you are not who you were before; you know that you have new tools that can support you in acting skillfully, and there is a way for you to catalyze this moment into something that helps you test what you have learned. It is the commitment you have to maturing that energizes you, aids you in resolving the challenge, and launches you forward into more refined levels of inner and outer success.

2. A lot of harmony in life comes from acceptance. I've learned this the 'hard' way, but now I think it is the only way. The people around us, the people we love and hold dear, will exist on a vast range. Different beliefs, capacities, goals, experiences, and understandings – there is no limit to how different our loved ones can be from us. Trying to get those near you to behave more like you is the opposite of love, and it reflects our lack of inner peace. If you truly love someone, you have to accept them as they are. We can certainly give them suggestions occasionally, but we cannot control them. We can also create boundaries when necessary, but we can never force them to change. Control is a manifestation of our own insecurity; it is a sign that fear is trying to govern our minds. If our peace is important to us, then we have to find a way to accept reality as it is. Remember, you can speak your truth, but that doesn't mean it will automatically change things. When you see that control has not worked for you, try acceptance. (This has been a massive mindset shift for me).

3. Taking a risk is necessary when we are trying to do something new. We can't wait for everything to line up for us or for good things to just land on our lap. Life does not work like that because our universe is one that is governed by cause and effect. If we want something to happen, we have to do our part to set it in motion. Taking a risk does not mean we are being reckless; there is such a thing as taking a healthy, calculated risk, one where if things do not work out, we will still be okay. Even if those close to you do not support your new adventure or if they unconsciously project their fear onto you, it does not mean you are wrong. To know if your dream is possible, you have to try living it.

When was the last time you took a risk on yourself to seek change that you know deep down is needed?


There is Only One You and THAT is Your Magic.



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