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How do you want to show up in the world?

Happy Sunday, World!

Consistency is key, which I'll admit I haven't been with my writing, however, I've transitioned into a new role that I'm thrilled about, finished a massive 3-month-long project, and just crushed my first major speaking gig to 175 college sophomores. Life feels full circle in this moment.

Today, I want to talk about a topic that's juicier than grandma's secret apple pie recipe - being an impact player versus being a bystander. Buckle up, because we're about to take a wild ride through the cosmic carnival of life.

The Bystander Blues: A One-Way Ticket to Nowheresville

Picture yourself sitting in the nosebleed section of life's grand arena. You're watchin' people, real-life rockstars, steal the show. They're out there, putting their heart and soul into creating magic while you're just chillin', munching on popcorn, waiting for something exciting to happen.

Bystanders live in this weird limbo of "what ifs" and "maybes."It's all about sticking to the safe and cozy confines of the comfort zone, never daring to venture into the wild unknown.

But listen up, my fellow wanderers – ships are made for sailin', not for rusting in the harbor. If you're good with an average, humdrum life, keep that sideline seat warm. But if you're after something more - a life that's spicy, full of meaning, and packed with impact - it's time to let your inner impact player out to play.

The Impact Player Mindset: Light That Fire, Baby

Now, shifting from a bystander to an impact player isn't a walk in the park. It's like rewiring your brain for awesomeness. You've got to believe that you've got the mojo to shape your reality, make a dent in the universe, and leave your mark that screams, "I was here, and I made things happen."

Think about the legends - the Steve Jobs, the Oprah Winfreys, the Dwayne "The Rock" Johnsons. They didn't sit on their hands, twiddling their thumbs. Nope! They grabbed life by the horns and rode it like a bull at a rodeo. That's the spirit of an impact player - jumping into the unknown with purpose and passion that burns like a Texas barbecue.

The Butterfly Effect: More Impact Than You Bargained For

Ever seen a butterfly flap its wings in China and cause a tornado in Texas? Well, maybe not, but the idea's solid. When you become an impact player, your actions don't just stop at the surface. Nope, they send shockwaves through the universe that inspire folks to up their game.

See, it's like tossing a pebble in a pond, and those ripples? They don't just fizzle out; they keep on going, touching shores you never even knew existed. That's the beauty of making a dent in the universe; you create a tsunami of transformation that touches lives, sparks inspiration, and lights up the whole world.

Step into the Spotlight: It's Showtime, Baby

Now, let's get real here. Going from bystander to impact player isn't going to happen overnight. It's like turning a rusty old jalopy into a race car - it takes time, effort, and a whole lot of elbow grease. But the rewards? They're sweeter than honey.

Every big-shot athlete, artist, and maverick started somewhere - in the trenches, battling doubts and staring fear straight in the eyes. Becoming an impact player means throwing yourself into the ring with guts and a stubborn belief in your own awesomeness.

The Bottom Line: Your Legacy, Your Call

As I wrap this up, remember one thing: the choice is yours. Do you want to be on the sidelines, watching life's fireworks from afar? Or do you want to be the one lighting up the sky with your own pyrotechnic show, leaving a mark that'll outshine the North Star?

The world's waitin', my friends. Your unique stamp, your signature move, it's got to be out there, somewhere. So, go on, unleash your inner impact player and set this world on fire together. It's showtime, baby! 🚀🔥

And never forget: There is only one you, and that is your magic!

XOXO, Coach Ms.K



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