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6 lessons on growth and transformation

Why finding inner calm and centeredness has given me a new outlook on life.

Happy Monday, World!

Life is a beautiful yet chaotic journey, often filled with unexpected twists and turns. Over the past year, I have embarked on a personal quest to cultivate inner calmness and center myself amidst the constant flux of life. This transformative journey has a huge part to do with the fact that I am deeply committed to my #personaldevelopment coaching practice. It has taught me invaluable lessons, enabling me to grow as an individual and find serenity in the midst of chaos. I have tried to capture this 'growth' into words and lessons, and here are the 6 that I have found the most profound.

1. Acknowledging the Need for Change

It all began with a realization - the realization that my life became a whirlwind of stress, anxiety, and constant distractions. Much of this was self-induced and I constantly felt worried, but last year I realized the urgent need to create a sense of inner peace and balance. The hardest and yet most vital strategy that I can share which led to success here was actually spending a lot of time in solitude and silence and learning to listen much more than to share my thoughts and feelings with the world. Acknowledging this need was the first step towards transforming my life.

2. Embracing Mindfulness

As a founder of a social-emotional learning company, it is no wonder that I have always "believed" in the power of mindfulness, but now #mindfulness has become my guiding principle throughout my journey. By focusing on the present moment and accepting it without judgment, I was able to cultivate a deep sense of calm. I dedicate time each day to engage in mindfulness practices such as yoga, meditation, exercise, and deep breathing. These practices allow me to detach from the chaos around me and to find solace #within.

3. Prioritizing Self-Care

Nurturing my physical, mental, and emotional well-being became my top priority. I was pretty good at this when it came to others around me, yet did a horrible job towards myself - and it showed. The huge lesson here for me was that taking care of myself was not selfish but essential for personal growth. I work out daily even if it's for 30-min, and I am fully committed to eating clean (it's been a veggie lifestyle for over 3 years, and now I fast, and make sure that I am in bed by 10 PM.) I've started to explore new activities that give me joy such as going to art shows, galleries, and exhibits and spending genuine time in nature WITHOUT taking my phone. It's really about embracing those quiet moments that give me joy these days. The social butterfly in me is looking super different these days.

4. Developing Emotional Resilience

One of the most profound transformations I experienced was the development of emotional resilience. Instead of being swept away by negative emotions and turning to my bad habits and my dark demons, I learned to observe and understand them without judgment and being consumed by thoughts and feelings that were pointless and served no value to my life. I embraced self-reflection and introspection to uncover the root causes of my emotional triggers - this is in huge part due to the support of my #lifecoach as I believe that any professional who is helping others also needs professional support in their lives, too. This has been huge to allow me to respond to situations with grace and composure. It's amazing to see how little I react to things these days - allowing much more time for assessing a situation and learning what it is supposed to teach me.

5. Cultivating Gratitude

I have always been a believer in gratitude and anyone who knows me just a little bit knows that #gratitudeismyattitude. Now, I can easily say that gratitude has become my superpower in this journey of life. I have made a conscious effort to appreciate the simple joys and blessings that life offers, no matter how small. Expressing gratitude daily not only shifted my perspective but also enhanced my overall well-being. It allows me to focus on all the positive aspects of my life and diminished the influence of negative thoughts.

6. Seeking Support

No transformation journey is complete without the support of others. This year I 'lost' some of my relationships, yet I am deeply grateful for my supportive network of friends, family, and mentors who encourage me and uplifted me during the most intense moments of self-doubt and worry. Their wisdom, empathy, and guidance played a significant role in helping me stay committed to my path of growth and change. #thankyou

As I reflect on this past year, I am super proud of the progress that I have made in becoming more calm and centered. By embracing mindfulness, prioritizing self-care, developing emotional resilience, cultivating gratitude, and seeking support, I have embarked on a journey of personal development that continues to unfold.

If you my dear reader are ready to unfold life's challenges with grace, find deeper meaning, and unlock the full potential that lies within you - let's jump on a discovery call and see where the journey takes us!


Coach Ms.K



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