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38 Thoughts From 38 Years Under the Sun

These are my truths — and what I believe to be true. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The last time I published an article was at the end of summer, and up until now, I have kept quiet. Well, maybe quiet isn't the best word, but busy? Yes. Do I like the word, busy? No. Why? Because busy is an excuse that we all say when we do not want to do something - or at least not wholeheartedly. I did get a "few" things done so let me share those with you first, before I share some of my thoughts as we embrace and start the new year, together.

  • Transatlantic move where I packed up the last six years of my life. Bye, Europe! For now. You will always be my home

  • Ended NWYE, my first beloved company, to launch Coaching with Ms. K-YAY!

  • I sold my home, and created a life overseas, and settled into my new home in D.C.

  • Changed careers and moved to higher education after 15 years in K-12( One of the best decisions I ever made)

Back to the moral of my story. There should be no excuse to stop your passions or pursue the things that give you joy. I love sharing my voice. I love sharing things on my mind.

NEVER stop sharing your voice as it is the greatest gift you can share with the world.

As I have taken this holiday season to reflect, I put together some thoughts and wisdoms - in no particular order, and I am honored to be sharing these with you today!

Xoxo, Ms.K

  1. Living a life that is judgment free is the highest form of consciousness.

  2. Follow your intuition. Always. It will never lead you stray.

  3. Time is our most valuable asset.

  4. Know your values and your worth. If those are in alignment, all will be well. I promise.

  5. Happiness is a state of being.

  6. Be grateful for what you have and not what you don’t — the Golden Rule of life.

  7. You are the master of your judgments, decisions, and actions.

  8. Perfection is an illusion. Don’t search too hard.

  9. Family is for life, and with your family, you have to be ALL in. Highest form of unconditional love.

  10. Moms are always right. Listen carefully.

  11. You can never get “enough” of nature. Any moment you can spend in nature, do it.

  12. Business is business. Never mix friends or family with business matters.

  13. The truth will always set you free.

  14. Vulnerability is a superpower — not a weakness.

  15. Your mental health is precious. Protect your energy at all times.

  16. Make wise choices with what foods and toxins you put in your body. Listen to your body — it has all the answers. Not Google.

  17. Addiction is a disease. You cannot give advice or help anyone unless you are also powerless over this disease. Your support groups are there for you, and they are the ones who will understand and be there.

  18. Talking about emotions and expressing emotions is healthy — and what the soul needs to heal.

  19. Your voice is your most powerful tool. Use it to share the gift of being you. There is only one you, and that is your magic.

  20. Relationships are the key to a happy and meaningful life. Foster meaningful relationships. Find a moment every day to say thank you to someone, or I love you — or both. Send that note or make that call when your intuition guides you.

  21. Embrace pleasure in all its forms. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Your body is the most incredible instrument you will ever play. Explore and enjoy in any way you can and feels right.

  22. Travel. Any moment you get in life. It is the most authentic way to experience and express life to the fullest.

  23. Stay Curious. Wonder. Learn one new thing that scares or excites you every day.

  24. Learn a foreign language. Play an instrument.

  25. Appreciate art in all its forms.

  26. Teach without words. Perform without actions.

  27. Students are the future and meaning of life.

  28. Be content with what you have, and rejoice in the way things are. When you realize nothing is lacking, the world belongs to you.

  29. Be an inspirer. Influencing will follow.

  30. There is no more incredible illusion than fear, no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself, and no greater misfortune than having an enemy. Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe.

  31. Be Present. The past is gone. The future isn’t here. Now is all there ever is.

  32. Oscar Wilde gets ALL the credit here, but he was onto something. Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken.

  33. Silence is Golden. Have silent moments daily.

  34. Solitude and Leadership go hand in hand.

  35. There is no self development without self awareness.

  36. Dramatically lean into positivity.

  37. There are three realities in life that we cannot avoid; pain, uncertainty, and constant change.

  38. Have fun. Life is too short for anything else!




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