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3 Things I am grateful for today

Happy Monday, World!

Do you ever feel like life is a marathon, but with no finish line in sight? You work hard to study, advance in your career, and reach your most ambitious goals, yet you never seem to be able to take a break without feeling guilty? The truth is that while it’s important to stay focused and drive yourself towards success (insert your definition of success here), it’s also vital for your mental health and well-being to incorporate playtime and gratitude into our busy daily lives.

Did you know that there was one #tradition that always happened in my classroom at the end of the day?

Please share one thing you are grateful for today.”

No matter the day or what things we had to get “done,” this was a ‘habit’ Ms.K never let go of – and I’m confident if my students do not remember anything else, they will remember this from those 180 days we spent together/yr.

It was time for me to get back into my gratitude habit and write out the things I am immensely grateful for today.

1. I’m grateful for the peace moving into my new home has brought me. My close inner circle knew that this was a long process – but one now I see was SO worth waiting for. It was a massive project to take on and required a fair share of risk-taking – but now this home is my little sanctuary. This home has a story behind it - It sold in December, came back on the market in January, and began the fun renovation and design process. Fast forward to April, and I am in the nesting phase. The amount of gratitude I feel daily is overwhelming, and thank you to all the people along the way who made this happen.

2. I’m grateful for living at home with my mom during these last eight months - which is more like five considering how much she traveled. I felt like a ‘child’ again; man, was it the best feeling in the world. We had dinners together, went on walks together, had endless talks by the fireplace after long days when I needed to vent, and she diligently listened while providing me with all the love, comfort, and wisdom in the world that I so needed and ONLY a mother can give to her child.

Honestly – the things we fear the most are the best things that can ever happen to us. I’m grateful, Mom, today – and every single day.

3. I’m grateful for all the incredible students I have met this past year. I know – I know, I say this every year, but I mean it. College kids are a new world to me. I was afraid to take the leap of faith and advance in my career this way – but we must step out of our comfort zone to get into the ‘growth zone.’ From teaching me Excel to giving me life pep talks, showing me different perspectives to see the world, and having the most ‘real’ discussions – I am so grateful to my college kids whom I CANNOT imagine a world without anymore. Thank you for your honesty, trust, and #lifeskills you have taught me. The day we stop learning is the day we start dying....

That’s it. Short and sweet today, but never underestimate the power of #gratitude as when you become grateful for what you HAVE, you shift away focus from the sh*t that does NOT matter.

XOXO, Coach Ms. K




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