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11 Signs of a Purposeful Life

Happy Saturday, WORLD!

Ms.K has been a little silent recently, but the last few weeks have been intuitively creative for me and also filled with a little more time for reflection, growth, traveling, and learning - all things to prepare me for what's next. Currently, I am in the midst of a massive expansion professionally and taking my business dreams to the next level - which, for the first time, required a complete 3/5/7 year business plan. (Yes, you heard that correctly. The woman who says that #nowisallthereeveris went rogue on the vision for my and my community's future).

Naturally for me, since I'm an extrovert and would always be socializing, I have to become intentionally 'quieter' to avoid distractions as this type of work and #levelup requires a focused, disciplined, and strategic mindset to become super clear about my vision for the future.

So, while all the 'biz work' is immensely fun, I still never forget to reflect and hopefully continue to inspire others with some thoughts that I love sharing with the world about life.

Here are my 11 key takeaways to help you live a thriving, purposeful, and even more joyful life!
  1. You are intentional about who you give your time to. You do your best to design an inner circle that is nourishing and enjoyable. What stands out is the mutual willingness to care for each other and the motivation to help each other figure out life’s challenges.

  2. You understand how your own perception impacts your reactions and mood. Blaming all your emotions on events and people outside of you creates a situation where you are constantly giving your power away. Taking responsibility for your mindset not only helps you grow, but it also widens your opportunity for happiness.

  3. You practice bringing yourself back to the present moment, especially when your mind is focusing too much on the past and future and is using small details to build tension-driven narratives. Being able to recenter yourself so that you don’t jump to conclusions can help stop you from acting rashly.

  4. You stop glorifying busy living. You have your goals, but you realize that you can work toward them without breaking yourself in the process. There is nothing valiant about burnout. Instead, you use your energy intentionally and put in good work toward the things you love, but you do so in a balanced way.

  5. You make time to feel gratitude. Reflecting on all the beautiful and simple things in your life that are often taken for granted will help ground you. Being able to remember all the good things and people in your life stops the mind from solely focusing on what it wants next. It is easy to flow between gratitude and joy.

  6. You stay in touch with your emotions without becoming attached to them. It’s important to acknowledge how you feel, especially when you feel heavy, but simultaneously understand that this feeling won’t last forever. Not letting temporary feelings govern your actions helps you have a less tense mind.

  7. You make time to heal and grow. Whether you have experienced trauma or not, everyone has gone through hard things and those moments leave marks on the mind that impact your thoughts and actions. Finding and using healing practices that work well for you can decondition the mind so that it becomes less defensive and more open to the natural flow and beauty of life.

  8. You remind yourself to slow down. Between the things you need to take care of in daily life and the way technology is constantly trying to get more of your attention, so much can be missed. Bring yourself back to a healthy pace so you can be present with people, nature, and the activities you love.

  9. Follow your intuition relentlessly. Your intuition helps you grow, leads you to your best life, and helps you make your deepest aspirations come true. Paying attention to what direction it’s telling you to go in can help unfold the next chapter of your life.

  10. You live with gentleness and kindness. You try to do good things for others, but in a balanced way where you don’t exhaust yourself. Having a giving nature and treating people well directly supports your inner peace.

  11. You always stay open to learning and growth. You understand that you are not perfect, and you have the humility needed to continue evolving. Knowledge is ever-expanding, which means there is always more to understand.

Which one of these insights did you reflect with the most? Drop a comment ⬇️

XOXO, Coach Ms.K



May 28, 2023

How do you feel about your brother's infidelity?


May 28, 2023

Extremely introspective and insightful. You are a giver and getting to know yourself deeply. Thank you for sharing.


Bar Segal
Bar Segal
May 28, 2023

Great Vipassana. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your business and insights.

Karolina Koppany
Karolina Koppany
May 28, 2023
Replying to

Can’t wait to share

more - but will absolutely doing deep work around self-love and the journey home! Hope to keep you updated all along the way!💫


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